When buying or making something for a special person, I always try to put a little "home-made" aspect to the gift. The ladies at FBC were hosting a baby shower for Jeni and "Baby Boy Hardin!" Since I wasn't going to be able to be at the shower, and I had gotten the Home-made gift completed, I decided to make my own customized wrapping paper. This was a new spin for me.
I actually got the idea from a former student of mine who has shared so many ideas through her pictures, blogs, and status updates! Thank YOU Patricia Puskas Truel; you are indeed a very talented lady whom I love dearly!
I used a program I have on the computer to come up with a one page design. Uploading the pictures; rotaing them; and even switching them to face the opposite direction; I had come up with a design I liked! I also included some symbols that might indicate what could be in the package!
I designed and printed several pages to be used as wrapping paper.
I then taped the sheets together to form the wrap. It was two sheets wide and about six sheets long. Just right for the package I was using!
This is the side view of package . . .
. . . Cora spotted the "binky" . . .
. . . and decided to "help" unwrap the gift before the shower . . . .