Monday, March 15, 2010

Family - WWII Registration Card

Monday - March 15, 2010

When I started to get information about Mom's early beginnings and trying to find facts to go along with what we knew happened, I joined WOW - the information Bill and I both have located for both sides of the family is unbelievable. We have to be careful as some of the information is not correct, but with further digging we can locate what we know is true.

This picture includes my grandparents, great-aunt, great-uncle, and ????

Pappaw is the man in the middle and Uncle Sam(Pappaw's older brother) is on the right!

Mammaw is on the right with Uncle Sam's wife - Aunt Crannie (Mammaw's sister) on the left

I will eventually share with the readers what I had discovered about Mom's side of the family as will Bill for his side of the family, but it was a card that caught my attention that my grandfather - William J Layne (Lane) had to complete at the beginning of WWII. The draft was in place and all males were to fill out a registration cards!! My Grandfather was 59 at the time! I was so amazed to have found this - and it is written in his own penmanship!!!! Pappaw lived in Wayne County, WV but was required to travel to Welch, WV to register. I found this to be really interesting and will try to find out why he went there rather than Huntington!

This is the card Pappaw completed on April 27, 1942.

The Register's report had an interesting comment! I am hoping Dink and some of my other cousins can help my memory!! It states that Pappaw's " finger off at 1st jt. on left hand (ring Finger)." I remember Papaw's finger being bent back, but not having a joint missing!!! Okay Dink - I need help with this bit of information!!!!! If there is a story you need to add it to the comment section!!!

This is the card completed by the Register for the draft board!

Pappaw as I last remember him! We all loved him very very much!! He was a great grandfather and took great care of his family!

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